Terms of service

  1. Introduction 

The following General Business Terms and Conditions (“General Business Terms and Conditions“) regulate the relationships of parties to a purchase/licence agreement entered into by and between Kentino.cz a.s., Co. Reg. No. 27082440, VAT Reg. No. CZ27082440, with its registered office at Jankovcova 1522/53, 170 00 Praha 7, registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague, File No. 8573 (“Kentino” or “Seller”), and the Buyer (“Buyer“).

Detailed information about Kentino is available at www.Kentino.com, section “About Us“.

Buyer, according to these General Business Terms and Conditions, is a natural person in the position of a consumer, or an enterprising natural person or a legal person.

Consumer is a private individual acting in a private capacity, entering into an agreement or otherwise dealing with Kentino.

Entrepreneur is an individual licensed to get engaged in business on one’s own account and responsibility with an intention to generate profit on a continuous basis. For the purposes of consumer protection, an entrepreneur is (including but not limited to) an individual entering into contracts/agreements relating to the entrepreneur’s business, manufacturing or similar activities or employment; or an individual acting on behalf or on account of an entrepreneur in question. For the purposes hereof, an entrepreneur is an individual acting in compliance with the preceding sentence as part of one’s own business. By entering the registration number in the order, the entrepreneur acknowledges being in a contractual relationship with Kentino considered as an entrepreneur and having been bound by the rules stipulated in the General Business Terms and Conditions for Entrepreneurs.

By creating the order, the Buyer acknowledges having been familiarized with these General Business Terms and Conditions prior to entering into the agreement for Buyer-consumer, namely with the representations and warranties given in Part II hereof, as well as with the Claims Code, Privacy Policy, and Delivery Information constituting an integral part hereof, and explicitly agrees to the same in the wording valid and effective as at the moment of creating the order.

The Buyer acknowledges that the registered trademarks, trade names, company logos, etc. of Kentino or Kentino’s contractual partners cannot be used by the Buyer by virtue of having purchased the goods offered by Kentino, unless a specific agreement individually provides otherwise.

The Buyer will obtain a General Trade Conditions (GTC) copy as an attachment of the order confirmation to the specified e-mail address. An invoice containing essential contract information, including receipts according to the registration of sales and tax records law will be provided to the customer in the form of a link to the invoice download in an electronic form and the Buyer hereby agrees with that. References to the listed documents are sent to the Buyer’s e-mail address, which the Buyer includes in the order, or available upon signing into the Buyer’s user profile in the My Kentino section under My purchases. If you are interested in obtaining an invoice in paper form, you can use our contact form.

  1. Pre-contractual Representations and Warranties for Buyer-Consumer

Kentino informs the Buyer-consumer that:

  1. The cost of distance communication is subject to no additional fees (Kentino charges no additional fees to the amount charged by the Buyer’s internet/telephone provider; unlike in case of contractual deliveries).
  2. The Buyer is required to pay the purchase price before accepting the goods from Kentino or make an advance or similar payment for specific services if the same are offered by Kentino and requested by the Buyer.
  3. Kentino does not enter into ongoing contracts. If such contracts are facilitated by Kentino, the Buyer is informed about the shortest binding term of such contract by the provider in question, along with the price (or method of its determination) charged in one billing period (being at all times one month if such price is constant).
  4. Unless stipulated otherwise, the licence fee stipulated in a licence agreement entered into for an indefinite period is agreed for the entire licence term.
  5. The prices for goods and services displayed on the website operated by Kentino are quoted incl. and excl. VAT, with all statutory fees (if any). Shipping costs, however, vary with reference to the selected shipping method, carrier, and payment method of an order.
  6. Buyers-consumers can and may withdraw from the agreement (unless otherwise stipulated below) within a period of 14 days commencing on the day of:
  1. receiving the goods (purchase agreements);
  2. receiving the last delivery (agreements for the purchase of several types of goods/delivery of several parts); or

iii. receiving the first delivery (ongoing contracts);

they can withdraw in writing either by sending the notice of withdrawal to the Kentino central office, to the Kentino e-mail address, personally communicating it in any Kentino store, communicating it by placing a phone call, or completing the form available on the Kentino website.

  1. The Buyer-consumer cannot withdraw from an agreement for the:
  1. provision of services performed by Kentino with previous explicit consent of the consumer prior to the expiration of the period of notice;
  2. delivery of goods/services offered for the price affected by deviations in the financial market beyond Kentino’s control with a potential to occur during the period of notice;

iii. delivery of goods adjusted as per the requirements/for the needs of the consumer;

  1. delivery of fast-moving consumer goods/goods irreversibly mixed with other goods after delivery;
  2. repair or maintenance carried out in a place designated by the consumer as per the consumer’s request (save for other than requested repairs/delivery of other than requested spare parts);
  3. delivery of goods in a sealed packaging removed by the consumer whereby such goods cannot be returned for hygienic reasons;

vii. delivery of audio records/video records/PC programmes whereby the original packing of such products has been broken;

viii. delivery of newspapers, periodicals and magazines;

  1. transport or leisure services provided by an entrepreneur within a defined period; and
  2. delivery of a digital content (delivered other than on a physical carrier with previous explicit consent of the customer prior to the expiration of the period of notice whereby Kentino underlines that an agreement for the delivery of an on-line content cannot be withdrawn).
  1. The costs incurred in association with returning the goods to Kentino (withdrawn agreements)/costs of returning the goods other than by ordinary post if the nature of such goods so precludes (withdrawn agreements negotiated away from business premises) are borne by the Buyer consumer.
  1. The consumer is required to pay a pro-rata price for services already commenced to be provided under a withdrawn agreement.
  1. The agreements (respective invoices) are saved in the electronic archive accessible by the registered Kentino users directly from their user account.
  1. Any complaints can Buyer-consumer made by completing the contact form or reported to the supervisory/state supervision authorities.
  1. In case of pre-orders, the price of such goods is only estimated. The final price may vary. Kentino will inform the Buyer about any price change. The purchase price of the goods will be determined after the goods will be stored at the warehouse in Kentino. Any difference between the estimated price and the purchase price will be refunded by Kentino or the Buyer will pay the difference prior to the delivery of the goods unless the Buyer decides to cancel the pre-order. Kentino reserves the right to change the delivery date for pre-ordered goods, even repeatedly. In the event of a substantial change in the delivery date (i.e 14 days), the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the pre-order. If the circumstances Kentino had considered at the time of the pre-order change to the extent that Kentino cannot be reasonably required to be bound by the pre-order, Kentino has the right to cancel the pre-order without further notice and subsequently inform the Buyer.
  1. The official contact e-mail address is info@kentitno.com. However, Kentino recommends using the contact form.
  1. Kentino hereby informs the Buyer-consumer, that Kentino provides free take-back of certain electronical equipment, batteries and accumulators under the conditions set out here.

III. Agreement

  1. Execution

The order is created in the moment when the Buyer adds the requested product (goods, services, digital content) to the cart and sends the order or using the “Buy Now” service (registered users only). The Buyer may as well enter into the agreement with the assistance of Kentino customer service representatives, either by telephone or by email. The Buyer can change the products added to the cart as well as the selected shipping and payment method, i.e. check the order details, before placing a firm order. The Buyer is obliged to check each detail which was stated while creating the order. The purchase agreement is entered into upon the moment the Buyer submits the order and the order in question is received by Kentino whereby Kentino assumes no liability for any mistakes and errors (if any) having occurred during the transfer of data. The Buyer is informed about the executed agreement in a confirmation e-mail letter sent by Kentino to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer.

The confirmation email letter is sent along with the Kentino’s General Business Terms and Conditions and Claims Code. Unless stated in the General Business Terms and Conditions otherwise, the executed agreement (incl. agreed price) may be amended or terminated only with the agreement of the parties or in cases stipulated by law.

Orders in excess of CZK 100,000 / 4000 Euro incl. VAT placed within a single transaction and/or day will be required by the Kentino system to be placed using a registered user account; only user accounts used in the past to place at least one e-shop order completed under a valid agreement not prematurely terminated by the Buyer will be allowed. If the Buyer does not meet the above conditions, Kentino has the right to cancel his order immediately.

The Buyer acknowledges that if the subject of the purchase is a motor vehicle or a Mystery package, it is not possible to conclude a purchase agreement remotely. Unless stated otherwise, the signing of the handover protocol by the Buyer is the moment of concluding the purchase agreement.

If any gift is provided with the goods that the Buyer will not use, the Buyer is obliged to contact Kentino in advance and inform Kentino that he is not interested in the gift. In that case, the goods will be sold to the Buyer without this gift. If the Buyer does not inform Kentino in advance and accepts the gift, the Buyer is then, in case of withdraw of the agreement according to article IV. 1. herein, obliged to return that gift.

The executed agreement is archived by Kentino for at least five years from the execution day, however, not longer than for the period stipulated by relevant law. Archived for the performance purposes, the agreement is not additionally available to other than involved third parties. Information about the individual technical steps to be taken in order to enter into an agreement is implied by and the process of entering into an agreement is comprehensibly described herein.

  1. Delivery

Under the purchase agreement, Kentino undertakes to deliver the goods to the Buyer, provide the digital content/licence to the Buyer and enable the Buyer to acquire the title/licence to the goods/digital content purchased under the purchase agreement; the Buyer undertakes to receive the goods/digital content from and pay the purchase price to Kentino.

As Kentino reserves the right of ownership to the goods, the Buyer acquires the title to the goods only after the purchase price has been paid in full. The same applies with necessary modifications also to the purchased licences or services.

Kentino shall delivers the goods to the Buyer along with relevant documents pertaining thereto and enables the Buyer to acquire the title to the goods/licence in compliance with the agreement.

Kentino shall fulfil its obligation to hand over the goods to the Buyer if it allows the Buyer to take possession of the goods at the place of performance and notifies the Buyer thereabout in due course.

Products to be shipped by Kentino are delivered to the Buyer (entrepreneur) by submitting the goods to the first shipping company and enabling the Buyer to claim the rights implied by the shipping agreement with the shipping company. Goods designated for Buyers-consumers are delivered by Kentino to the Buyers-consumers only after Kentino receives the goods in question from the shipping company.

If the subject of the purchase is digital content, the subject of the purchase is deemed to have been handed over at the moment when Kentino delivers an e-mail message to the Buyer with a link to download it or when it makes the download link available in the Buyer’s user profile. Kentino hereby informs that the download link for the digital content is only valid for a period of 60 days. The Buyer is therefore obliged to download the digital content within this period.

If more items are delivered in excess of the amount agreed, the purchase agreement is deemed entered into for the number of delivered items; unless the Buyer rejects such items without undue delay.

Kentino shall deliver the purchased goods to the Buyer in the agreed amount, quality and design.

If not agreed otherwise, the goods is packed by Kentino by convention; if no convention exists, the goods in question is packed as to provide for its protection and preservation. The same applies also to goods to be shipped.

To minimise damage (if any) and ensure smooth delivery of goods ordered within a single transaction and/or day in excess of CZK 100,000 / 4000 Euro incl. VAT, Kentino reserves the right to deliver the goods to the Buyer only after the purchase price is paid in full. Once the purchase price is paid in full by the Buyer, the goods are dispatched by  as specified by the Buyer in the order.

  1. Risk of Damage

The goods are faulty if it lacks the agreed characteristics. The goods are deemed faulty also if the Buyer is delivered other than the ordered goods or the documents necessary for the use of the goods in question contain defects.

The Buyer can claim improper performance with reference to the defect inherent to the goods at that moment the risk of damage passes to the Buyer although the defect in question becomes evident only later. The Buyer can claim the rights also with reference to a defect that has become evident later as result of a breach of Kentino’s obligation.

The Buyer is to examine the goods, its characteristics and quantity as soon as feasible after the risk of damage to the goods passes to the Buyer. The Buyer is obliged to inform Kentino about any detected defects and deficiencies without undue delay.

The risk of damage passes to the Buyer upon accepting the goods in question; the same applies also to cases where the Buyer rejects to accept the goods although having been enabled by Kentino to view and try the goods.

Damage to the goods occurring after the risk of damage has passed to the Buyer does not affect the Buyer’s obligation to pay the purchase price unless the damage occurred as result of a breach of Kentino’s obligation.

If one party is delayed in accepting the goods, the other party may and can reasonably sell the goods at the expense of the delayed party and do so following a prior notice and providing the delayed party with an additional reasonable period to accept the goods. The same applies also to delays on payment where the goods cannot be accepted unless the purchase price is paid.

  1. Liability (Kentino)

Kentino guarantees to the Buyer that the goods are free from defects when received by the Buyer. In particular, Kentino guarantees to the Buyer that, at the moment the goods are received by the Buyer:

  1. The goods have the characteristics agreed by the parties or (if no agreement is reached), the characteristics described by Kentino or the manufacturer or expected by the Buyer with reference to the nature of the goods and related advertisement.
  2. The goods can be used for the purposes stated by Kentino or for the purposes for which the goods of that kind are usually used.
  3. The goods are provided in the corresponding quantity, measurement or weight.
  4. The goods comply with the requirements stipulated by law.

If the goods are found faulty within six months after having been received by the Buyer, the goods are deemed to have been faulty already when received by the Buyer.

Unless stipulated otherwise, the Buyer may and can claim faulty consumer goods within 24 months after receipt. This does not apply to:

  1. discount-related defects;
  2. usual wear and tear;
  3. defects caused by ordinary use or wear and tear and evident at the moment of receipt by the Buyer; or
  4. cases implied by the nature of the case.

The Buyer may and can claim faulty consumables (cosmetics, drugstore items, etc.) within twenty-four (24) months. If, however, a best before date is indicated on the goods, the warranty period is shortened and terminates on the date indicated on the packaging.

The Consumer acknowledges that if any gifts are received with their order, it is not possible to claim faulty gifts within 24 months of their receipt. The Consumer may and can claim faulty gifts only within 14 days of their receipt. The Entrepreneur cannot claim faulty gifts.

The warranty periods are stipulated in the Claims Code.

The warranty period for Buyers-entrepreneurs may be different; the different warranty period, however, applies only if explicitly stated and is applied with a priority.

Improper performance cannot be claimed if the Buyer was aware about the defect before accepting the goods or if the defect in question was caused by the Buyer.

Discounted/used goods found faulty can and may be subject to a reasonable discount rather than replacement.

  1. Material Breach

If improper performance occurs within the specified period and constitutes a material breach of the agreement, the Buyer may and can:

  1. have the defect removed by being delivered a new defect-free goods or the missing part if such is not unreasonable with respect to the nature of the defect in question; in case of a component part affected by the defect, the Buyer can only claim that the component part in question be replaced; if such is not feasible, the Buyer may withdraw from the agreement; if, however, the above is not reasonable with respect to the nature of the defect in question, especially if the defect can be removed without undue delay, the Buyer may and can have the defect removed for free;
  2. have the defect removed by repair;
  3. be given a reasonable discount on the purchase price; or
  4. withdraw from the agreement.

When claiming the defect in question, the Buyer informs Kentino as to which of the aforementioned options the Buyer has selected and does so either immediately or without undue delay thereafter whereby the selected option can be then changed only if so approved by Kentino; with the exception of a defect requested by the Buyer to be repaired and subsequently being identified as irreparable. If the defects are not removed by Kentino within a reasonable period or if the Buyer is informed by Kentino that the defects in question will not be removed, the Buyer may and can claim a reasonable discount on the purchase price instead of withdrawing from the agreement or withdraw from the agreement.

If the Buyer fails to select one of the options mentioned above, the rights implied by immaterial breach apply – see below.

In addition to cases where Kentino cannot deliver a new defect-free goods, replace the component part or repair the goods, Buyers-consumers may and can claim a reasonable discount also in cases where Kentino fails to remedy the situation within a reasonable period or where the remedy would cause significant inconvenience to the Buyer.

  1. Immaterial Breach

If improper performance constitutes other than material breach, the Buyer may and can have the defect removed or be given a reasonable discount on the purchase price.

Unless the Buyer claims the discount on the purchase price or withdraws from the agreement, Kentino may deliver the missing parts or remove the legal defect. Other defects can be removed at Kentino’s discretion either by repair or delivery of a new goods.

If Kentino fails to remove the defect in due course or refuses to remove the defect, the Buyer may claim a reasonable discount on the purchase price or withdraw from the agreement whereby the selected option can then be changed only if so approved by Kentino.

  1. General Breach

The Buyer may claim to have the defect removed by being delivered a new thing or a replaced component part also in cases where the defect can be removed but the goods cannot be used because of a repeated occurrence of the defect after repair (third claim of the same defect) or a larger number of defects (at least three defects at the same time).In such cases, the Buyer may and can withdraw from the agreement.

If being delivered a new goods, the Buyer returns the original goods back to Kentino (along with all accessories delivered together with the goods itself) and does so at Kentino’s cost.

Buyers failing to report the defect without undue delay after the defect could have been identified by the Buyer had the goods been examined in due course and with sufficient care will not be adjudicated by court the rights under improper performance. The same applies also to a hidden defect not reported without undue delay after the defect could have been identified by the Buyer had the goods been examined with sufficient care, however, not later than within two years after the goods have been delivered to the Buyer.

  1. Quality Warranty

In providing the quality warranty, Kentino undertakes that the goods in question will be fit for the ordinary purpose or will preserve the ordinary characteristics. The same applies also to the warranty period or best before date indicated on the packaging or advertised. The warranty may as well be arranged with reference to individual component parts of the goods.

The warranty period commences on the day the goods are delivered to the Buyer. If the goods are to be shipped to the Buyer as agreed in the agreement, the warranty period commences only on the day the goods are shipped to the designated place. If the purchased goods are to be put into operation by a party other than Kentino, the warranty period commences only on the day the goods are put into operation, provided that the respective service of putting the goods into operation is ordered by the Buyer no later than within three weeks after the goods are received and that necessary assistance and co-operation of the Buyer to render this service are provided.

The Buyer cannot claim warranty with reference to a defect caused by outside circumstances after the risk of damage has passed to the Buyer.

  1. Digital Content

In using the digital content (including software, PC games, console games, etc.) purchased from Kentino, the Buyer is to comply with the obligations stipulated herein, copyright law and product licence (e.g. EULA). Buyers failing to comply therewith are liable to damages and may face criminal consequences.

Buyers of the digital content (being private individuals only) may and can use the digital content exclusively for their personal use and for the purposes other than economic or business benefit, whether direct or indirect, unless the licence states otherwise. The Buyers further cannot copy or otherwise reproduce, make copies of or extracts from and otherwise handle the purchased digital content contrary to copyright law, other legal regulations or product licence. Access to the digital content may be denied and/or the licence deactivated if the digital content has been obtained illegally.

The same applies also to the digital content given by Kentino to the Buyer free of charge.

  1. Special Rules When Buying a Motor Vehicle

The contract for the sale of a personal motor vehicle can be concluded only in the physical presence of the Buyer at the Kentino store, where the Buyer can examine the vehicle and where the Buyer will be acquainted with the vehicle operation and warranty and service conditions. Kentino will also answer any questions the Buyer may have.  

If the Buyer decides to make a reservation, Kentino may request a deposit, which will be shown to the Buyer in advance, after inserting the motor vehicle to the cart. This deposit is payable upon the confirmation. This deposit will be set off against the purchase price. In case of cancellation, Kentino will refund the deposit to the Buyer within 7 days. The deposit does not carry any interest.

The order confirmation from the Kentino information system serves only as a confirmation of the reservation of the respective motor vehicle, whose detailed specification is included in the handover protocol.

After the vehicle is presented to the Buyer, it may be handed over to the Buyer. A handover report will be made to document the receipt.

The Buyer becomes the owner of the vehicle by fully paying the purchase price and accepting the vehicle. Similarly, this rule applies to the purchase of related licences or services.

If the contract for the sale of a personal motor vehicle is concluded with the Buyer in a long-distance manner and the Buyer withdraws from the contract within the statutory 14-day period from the date of the handover in a situation where the Buyer has already registered the vehicle with the appropriate registry of motor vehicles (or a technical data sheet has been issued to the Buyer by the competent authority), Kentino will not refund the purchase price in full, but reduced by the amount that the value of this vehicle has decreased as a result of its registration in the registry of motor vehicles (or due to the issuing of a technical data sheet for this vehicle by the competent authority). The minimal amount is 30%.

Unless this article stipulates otherwise, the contractual relationship established by the purchase agreement for the sale of a personal motor vehicle is governed by the relevant provisions of the General Business Terms and Conditions

  1. Special Rules When Buying a Mystery Pack

The Mystery Pack purchase agreement may only be concluded in the physical presence of the Buyer at the Kentino store, where Kentino employees shall explain how the Mystery Pack works. Kentino will also answer any questions the Buyer may have. Only then will the Mystery Pack be handed over to the Buyer, thereby concluding a purchase agreement between the Buyer and Kentino.

The order confirmation from the Kentino information system serves only as a confirmation of the reservation of the Mystery Pack.

The Buyer becomes the owner of the Mystery Pack by fully paying the purchase price and collecting the Pack. Similarly, this rule applies to the purchase of related licences or services.

  1. Special Rules When Buying Footwear

Given the environmental impact, Kentino recommends that Buyers carefully measure their shoe size when purchasing footwear to avoid unnecessary withdrawals.   

Kentino also recommends the Buyer to try on the shoes immediately after receiving them, in clean socks to ensure a minimal hygienic impact on the footwear.

In the event of withdrawal from the purchase agreement, the Buyer must return the shoes clean, unused, and in the original box (as if the Buyer was trying the shoes in a shop). If the conditions stated in the previous sentence are not fulfilled (the shoes are worn, used, dirty or even damaged), Kentino is entitled to compensation for a reduction in the price of the goods. The Buyer acknowledges, that inappropriate use of the shoes during trying them can lead to a significant reduction in the value of the goods and therefor even the significant reduction of the returned purchase price to the Buyer for damages for this reduction. 

  1. Resale

If the Buyer resells the item purchased from Kentino, donates it, or otherwise transfers the ownership to another person, the Buyer is obligated to communicate this to Kentino.

If the Buyer fails to notify Kentino, Kentino will continue to consider the Buyer to be the owner of the item and therefore the person entitled to any rights and compensation related to its defective performance.

  1. Special Rules When Buying Alcoholic Beverages

The purchase of alcoholic beverages and the visit of the sites where alcoholic beverages are offered is prohibited for persons under the age of 18. Before placing an order of alcoholic beverage, the Buyer is obliged to declare the minimum age of 18. Kentino declares and the Buyer acknowledges that when receipt an alcoholic beverage, Kentino, or the carrier or any other entity that delivers the alcoholic beverage to the Buyer, is entitled to check the identity card or other proof of identity to verify that the Buyer is over 18 years of age. If the Buyer does not submit to this inspection or is under 18 years of age, the alcoholic beverage will not be issued to the Buyer and there will be an automatic withdrawal from the purchase contract by Kentino. The Buyer acknowledges that the consumption of alcoholic beverages inside and around Kentino’s stores is strictly prohibited.

  1. Special Rules When Buying Vouchers of Third Parties (does not apply to Kentino gift vouchers)

Kentino is only a seller of the voucher. The service provider and the seller of the goods, as a performance provided on the basis of a voucher, is a third party (provider). Therefore, in order to use the performance associated with the voucher, the Buyer has to contact the relevant provider and negotiate with him the details of the provision of a specific service and / or receipt of a specific goods. After purchasing the voucher, the Buyer will receive a unique voucher code to the e-mail address specified in his customer profile, the address provided by the Buyer when completing the order process. The risks associated with this voucher will hereby pass to the Buyer. The Buyer shall communicate this unique code to the Provider before the actual provision of the service and / or receipt of the goods. The provider will verify the validity of the code and without undue delay (unless otherwise agreed with the Buyer) will provide the Buyer with the service in question and / or hand over the goods. The voucher is considered redeemed at the moment when the provider enters the unique voucher code into the Kentino information system (verifies its validity). The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the purchase agreement for the purchase of the voucher within 14 days from the date of receipt of the voucher, this does not apply if the Buyer has already used the voucher within this period. In case of a complaint about the goods and / or services, Kentino recommends the Buyer to contact the provider in priority, with regard to the possibility of faster settlement of complaints and the possibility of arranging a substitute performance with the provider for a specific service and / or goods according to the voucher.

  1. Withdrawal

If the withdrawal concerns a device on which the Buyer has stored some personal data, Kentino recommends that the Buyer back up his/her personal data and then delete it from the device.

  1. Withdrawal by the Buyer-Consumer

Consumers may and can withdraw from the agreement within a period of 14 days. The period stated in the first sentence commences on the day the agreement is executed, this being the day of:

  1. receiving the goods (purchase agreements);
  2. receiving the last delivery (agreements for the purchase of several types of goods/delivery of several parts); or
  3. receiving the first delivery (ongoing contracts).

Consumers may withdraw from the agreement by completing and submitting the form; once submitted, the completed form is confirmed as received by Kentino in writing without undue delay.

Consumers may withdraw from the agreement also by sending a notice of withdrawal to:

Kentino.com – Reklamace,

Cestmirova 25

14000 Prague


If the Buyer-Consumer withdraws from the agreement, then is obliged to return to Kentino the goods delivered by Kentino and do so at consumer’s cost without undue delay, however, no later than within 14 days after withdrawing from the agreement.

The goods are to be returned by the Buyer-Consumer complete, i.e. along with the delivered accessories and complete documentation, undamaged, clean, in the original packaging (if possible) and in the condition and value in which the goods have been received by the Buyer. Any fuel tanks returned as part of the returned goods must be returned empty.

Agreements for the purchase of consumables (cosmetics, drugstore items, etc.) may be withdrawn only if the consumables in question are returned by the Buyer-Consumer undamaged, unused and in the original packaging.

Buyers-Consumers deciding to withdraw from the agreement in the given period are recommended by Kentino to send the goods to Kentino’s address along with a cover letter incl. the reason for withdrawal (not necessary), reference number of the proof of purchase and number of bank account so that the case can be addressed without delay. The cover letter will also state whether the Consumer wishes to receive the refund in cash or in Kentino Credit.

Buyers-Consumers are liable to Kentino for any decrease in value of the goods caused by handling the goods other than as required by the nature and characteristics of the goods.

In the event of cash reimbursement, Kentino may require that the Buyer-Consumer present his/her ID card (passport or passport) in order to prevent any potential damages or money laundering. If the Buyer-Consumer fails to present either of these documents, Kentino may refuse to make a reimbursement.

Buyers-Consumers withdrawing from the agreement are refunded the entire amount paid under the agreement whereby this amount is refunded by Kentino without undue delay, however, no later than within 14 days following the withdrawal, and with the use of the same method of payment as agreed in the agreement. If Kentino is entitled to compensation for the reduction in the value of the goods, this will be included in the Buyer-Consumer’s claim for a refund of the purchase price.

If the Buyer-Consumer has full registration (filled name, surname, address and contact email in a customer profile on Kentino.com) Kentino can refund the money—with the exception of shipping cost—via special gift cards (Kentino Credit) on the Buyer-Customer’s request, which can be used under the Kentino Credit service.

Buyers-Consumers withdrawing from the agreement may be refunded the entire amount paid only after the goods are returned to Kentino or after the Buyer-Consumer prove that the goods have been sent to Kentino. The Buyer-Consumer is obliged to return the goods to Kentino without undue delay after withdrawal from the contract, but no later than within 14 days.

Buyer-Consumers acknowledge that if the goods are delivered along with any gifts, Kentino and the Buyer-Consumer enters into a contract of donation on the condition that such contract of donation terminates as soon as the consumer enjoys its right and withdraws from the purchase agreement within a period of 14 days whereby the Buyer-Consumer must return the goods in question along with the gifts and everything obtained in relation thereto; if not returned, the same will be considered unjust enrichment. If the profits acquired by unjust enrichment cannot be returned, Kentino may and can claim monetary compensation in the amount of ordinary price. Withdrawal from the gift contract does not terminate the purchase contract and the contracts are considered in this respect to be separate.

  1. Withdrawal by the Buyer-Entrepreneur and in Other Cases

The Buyer-entrepreneur is not allowed to withdraw from the purchase agreement if the price of the purchased goods exceeds 15,000 CZK incl. VAT or in the case of a graphics card purchase or mining servers or crypto mining ASICs.

If allowed to withdraw from the purchase agreement, the Buyer-entrepreneur acknowledges that the purchase price paid may and can be refunded less the reduced value of the goods in question.

Compensation for the reduction in the value of the goods or compensation for the costs of reintroduction of the goods for sale will be included in the returned purchase price to the Buyer-entrepreneur.

If the goods in question cannot be returned in the condition originally received by the Buyer-entrepreneur, the agreement cannot be withdrawn or delivery of a new goods claimed. This does not apply if:

  1. The condition changed due to the inspection of the goods for defects.
  2. The goods were used by the Buyer-entrepreneur before the goods were found defective.
  3. The goods cannot be returned in the original condition for reasons other than beyond control (willful act or neglect) of the Buyer-entrepreneur. OR
  4. The goods were sold by the Buyer-entrepreneur before the goods were found defective, consumed by the Buyer-entrepreneur or altered by the Buyer-entrepreneur in ordinary use. If only a part of the goods were used and Kentino allows the Buyer-entrepreneur to withdrawn from the purchase agreement, consumed or altered, the Buyer-entrepreneur returns to Kentino everything that can be returned and compensates Kentino up to the amount of benefit received from using the goods.
  5. If the Buyer-entrepreneur does not report the defect in the period, the Buyer-entrepreneur loses the right to withdraw from the agreement.

In order to protect the rights of the Buyer-entrepreneur if the Buyer is a legal entity and will require payment of a credit note in cash directly at the Kentino branch, then the relevant amount will be transferred only to persons authorized to act on behalf of the legal entity, ie. to a statutory body, or to a person who is presented with a certified power of attorney, or to a person who is listed as the “administrator” in the buyer’s profile at Kentino.com. and proves themselves by an identity card.

All pre-orders are not refundable. All orders for ASIC miners are not refundable. ASIC miners are not eligible for returns of price of crypto-currency they mainly mine changed more than 10%.

  1. Withdrawal in Case of Using the Cashvoucher Service

Cashvoucher is a service provided with the exclusive consent of the Buyer, who can choose it as an alternative to a standard refund if the Buyer withdraws from the purchase agreement within the claim process or within the withdrawal from an agreement in accordance with the Business terms.. The Cashvoucher service is governed by the special terms and conditions listed here.

  1. Withdrawal From an Agreement by Kentino in Case of Pricing Errors

Except for cases stipulated by law, Kentino is entitled to withdraw from the contract in case of an obvious pricing error.

Kentino can and may withdraw from the contract pursuant to this point within 14 days of the day following the date of conclusion of the purchase agreement between the Buyer and Kentino by Kentino canceling the order or by otherwise indicating to the Buyer that it is withdrawing from the agreement.

If the Buyer has paid at least part of the purchase price of the goods, this amount will be transferred back to his/her bank account no later than 14 days from the day following the date of withdrawal from the contract by Kentino.

  1. Withdrawal From an Agreement by Kentino in Case of Selling Alcoholic Beverages

Kentino declares and the Buyer acknowledges that upon collection of any alcoholic beverage, Kentino, or the carrier or any other entity delivering the alcoholic beverage to the Buyer, is entitled to check the identity card or other proof of identity in order to verify that the Buyer is over 18 years of age. If the Buyer fails to submit to this check or is under 18 years of age, the alcoholic beverage will not be delivered to the Buyer and the Purchase Agreement will be automatically cancelled by Kentino. If the Buyer has paid at least part of the purchase price of the goods, this amount will be refunded to the Buyer within 14 days of the day following the date of withdrawal by Kentino, in the same manner as Kentino accepted the payment from the Buyer.

  1. Personal Data Protection and Security

The terms and conditions for personal data protection are available here. These terms are legally binding for the Buyer.

  1. Business Hours

Orders placed in the Kentino e-shop are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In cases of an information system failure or higher power, Kentino assumes no liability for non-observance of the stipulated business hours of the e-shop.

Business hours of all Kentino stores are listed on the Kentino website; the business hours may change.

VII. Prices

The prices are contract prices. Prices quoted on-line in the Kentino.com e-shop are always up to date, valid, and listed in Czech crowns (CZK), with the exception of cases when the wrong price is stated as stipulated in the provisions below in this article.

Prices quoted for individual products are final, that is, incl. VAT and other taxes and fees (if any) payable by the Buyer-consumer for a product in question (excl. shipping fees, collection fees and cost of distance communication shown in the shopping cart in the amount depending on the option selected by the Buyer).

If Kentino has purchased the goods from a non-VAT payer and offers them in the used, new, or unpacked category, the price of the goods is calculated net of VAT in accordance with the provisions of Art. § 90 of Act no. 235/2004 Coll., On Value Added Tax. The Buyer acknowledges that this fact may be reflected in the invoice for the order in question.

The Buyer acknowledges that the final prices for products are given after rounding to whole crowns in accordance with the relevant legislation, so in specific situations, the final sum of all purchased products may differ minutely from the purchase price originally indicated. This may happen due to rounding to whole crowns. Detailed breakdown of purchase price, incl. hellers is always listed in the buyer’s cart.

Special promotion prices are valid either until Kentino’s stocks are exhausted (with displayed information as to the number of items in question offered for the special promotion price) or for a limited period, depends on whichever occurs first.

It is Kentino’s interest to inform the Buyer as accurately as possible about the real value of discounts provided on the goods/services/licences sold on its e-shop. The original price means the lowest price at which the goods/services/licences in question were sold by Kentino on its e-shop in the 30 days preceding the 1st day of the calendar month, without taking into account any possible bonuses, sales promotion marketing campaigns and other sales or price drops. In addition, if the product/service/licence is included in a sales  campaign with separate campaign terms and conditions in which the discount is granted automatically (e.g. Black Friday, Summer Sale), then the original price is recalculated for the 30-day period immediately preceding the date of inclusion of the product/service/licence in the campaign.

The Buyer acknowledges that Kentino and the Buyer need necessarily not enter into the agreement, especially if the goods or related services (delivery, extended warranty insurance, etc.). are ordered by the Buyer for a price mistakenly quoted on the website due to the internal Kentino system error or Kentino’s staff misconduct. In that case, Kentino is entitled to withdraw from such a contract, even after the Buyer has received an e-mail confirming the order. In such case, Kentino informs the Buyer of this fact without undue delay. Examples of pricing errors may include:

  • the price of the goods is clearly and obviously incorrect (e.g. does not reflect the original purchase price or the regular price of the goods);
  • the price is missing one or more digits, or shows more digits than it should;
  • the discount exceeds 50% without the goods being part of a special marketing campaign or a sale marked with a special symbol and advertising the appropriate discount sum.

Kentino would like to point out that the Kentino information system may automatically state that the goods are on sale even when the price is obviously wrong. In case the Buyer has any doubt whether the goods are really discounted or it is a pricing mistake, the Buyer is obligated to contact Kentino and verify the price status.

Kentino reserves the right to declare the purchase agreement void in case of misused personal data, TIN/CIN numbers, misused payment card, etc. or with reference to the intervention of an administrative or court authority of which the Buyer is informed by Kentino. The Buyer acknowledges that the purchase price cannot be entered into as valid in the aforementioned cases.

In addition, Kentino reserves the right to declare a purchase agreement void if unauthorised use of a discount card or similar voucher has been made in violation of its terms and conditions, in particular if:

  • the discount card was applied to goods other than those for which it was intended;
  • the discount card was used in conjunction with another discount, even if the addition of these discounts has not been expressly prohibited;
  • the discount card was used for a purchase in the amount below the minimum set price;
  • Kentino discovers that the discount card has already been used.

The Buyer acknowledges that in these cases the purchase agreement cannot be validly concluded, and the Buyer acknowledges that Kentino is entitled to claim, among other things, unjust enrichment.

VIII. Orders

Orders can be placed as follows:

  1. in the e-shop operated by Kentino (“e-shop“);
    b. by e-mail via  www.Kentino.com/Contact;
    c. in person in one of the Kentino stores;
    d. by chat;
    e. by phone.

Orders directly to some of our shops can be placed at any time within the opening hours of this shop. Telephone orders can be placed through the Kentino call center during the business hours of the call center.

Kentino recommends placing the orders in the e-shop by logging into the Buyer’s user account registered with Kentino. If using public access, Kentino further recommends logging out after placing the order.

Information about the exact shipping time is included in the e-mail letter sent to the Buyer. The shipping period and fees depend on the option selected by the Buyer in the second step of placing the order.

  1. Payment Methods

Kentino accepts the following for methods of payment.

Unless paid in full and received, the goods remain the property of Kentino. The risk of damage passes to the Buyer upon receipt.

Once the order is placed, the billing details of the Buyer cannot be edited.

Kentino reserves the right to offer only some methods of payment to the Buyer and do so at its own discretion.

Under the Sales Registration Act, Kentino is required to provide the customer with a receipt and register the sale with the tax office online; in the case of technical difficulties, this may be done within 48 hours after the sale has been completed.

In the case of payment by credit card at the store, the Buyer is obligated to conceal his/her credit card information and the PIN code.

Payments in Cryptocurrency

The Buyer may also choose to pay in one of the cryptocurrencies accepted by Kentino (e.g. Bitcoin). If the Buyer in such case for any reason requests a refund of the purchase price for the goods so purchased, the purchase price may be refunded only in the currency indicated on the invoice for the goods so purchased (usually in Czech crowns) and in the amount indicated on the invoice. Any fluctuations in the cryptocurrency exchange rate will not be taken into account when refunding the purchase price, which the Buyer acknowledges.


If the Buyer withdraws from a concluded contract with Kentino, or if the Buyer is refunded for any other reason, Kentino will return the funds received from him/her under the purchase agreement in the same manner. The Buyer is responsible for providing the correct and accurate data for the refund, which the Buyer communicates to Kentino if it is not possible to return the funds in the same way as the payment for the order (e.g. the customer paid in cash at the store or courier, the customer’s payment card expired and Kentino does not have other payment details of the Buyer), or in the event that Kentino, at its own discretion, complies with the Buyer’s request to change the method of refund.

  1. Delivery Conditions
  2. Delivery Options

Kentino provides or arranges various delivery/shipping options according to the current availability of individual services and with regard to their capacity and range. In case of force majeure or IT system disruption, Kentino assumes no liability for late delivery of goods.

Information about the offered options, up-to-date terms and conditions and prices is available at HERE.

  1. Other Conditions

If the Buyer is collecting an order that has been paid in advance on-line, the Buyer shall present an identification PIN code, which Kentino will send to the phone number stated by the Buyer in his/her order. The Buyer is obligated to ensure that this PIN code is not disclosed to any other person and is not misused in any other way.

To prevent damage/legitimisation of proceeds of crime (if any), Kentino or Kentino’s contractual partners may and can request that the goods paid in advance be collected against a valid identity document (ID card, passport). Unless the said document is presented, the goods in question may and can be refused by Kentino or Kentino’s contractual partners to be collected. This right arises with the provisions of Art. § 2900 of the Civil Code, which stipulates the duty of prevention and precaution.

Goods purchased with a 0% VAT rate by Buyer-entrepreneur who is a VAT payer at the moment of purchase will be delivered only to the governing body of the legal entity in question, to the person authorized in the submitted authenticated power of attorney, or to the person listed as the “administrator” in the Buyer’s profile on the website www.Kentino.com. Goods purchased by Buyers-freelancers being VAT payers at the moment of purchase will be delivered to the Buyer-freelancer in question only against a valid ID document (ID card or passport).

If not collected personally at the store, goods purchased by Buyers being VAT payers at the moment of purchase and invoiced with a 0% VAT rate will be obligatorily delivered to the central office or business premises registered in the Commercial Register, Register of Trade or a similar register.

When receiving the goods from the shipping company, the Buyer – along with the shipping company representative – is to properly and thoroughly inspect the consignment (namely the number of parcels, intact sealing tape bearing the company logo, and intact packaging) as per the enclosed delivery note. The Buyer may refuse to accept the delivery shipped contrary to the purchase agreement, for instance with reference to incomplete or damaged consignment. If accepting the damaged consignment from the shipping company, the Buyer is to describe the damage in the delivery note of the shipping company.

Incomplete or damaged consignments must be immediately reported by e-mail to damage@Kentino.com and the damage be described in the report on damage executed with the shipping company representatives and sent to Kentino by chat/—-/, e-mail or post without undue delay. Any subsequent claims of incomplete delivery or damaged packaging do not limit the Buyer’s right to claim the warranty; yet, they enable Kentino to prove that the same do not represent a conflict with the purchase agreement.

Pre-orders and orders for Bitmain machines can be delayed up to 180 days without right for compensation. Pre-orders and orders for Jasminer,  ICERIVER ASICs and all other ASIC miners brands miners can be delays for 90 days without right for compensation. Acceptable delay for all other orders is 60 days.

  1. Warranty

The warranty terms and conditions are governed by the Kentino Claims Code and relevant provisions of Czech law. In general, the warranty certificate is replaced by the proof of purchase (please see the Claims Code for more details).

XII. Closing Provisions

Relationships and possible disputes arising from the contract shall be settled exclusively under the law of the Czech Republic and shall be settled by the competent courts of the Czech Republic. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply.

Any disputes arising

mation about the alternative dispute resolution can be found here. Kentino, however, recommends the Buyer to first contact Kentino to address the situation.

The agreement is entered into in the Czech language. If the agreement is required to be translated for the Buyer into another language, the Czech version prevails in case of discrepancies between the two language versions.

These General Business Terms and Conditions and parts hereto come into force and effect on 21 November 2022, repealing all the previous versions and their parts, and are available at the Kentino headquarters and stores or on-line at www.Kentino.com.

Terms of Service


Legal Disclaimer 

Seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties either expressed or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This disclaimer by the seller in no way affects the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty if any. Title to goods herein being purchased is retained by the seller until goods are paid for in full by the purchaser and at that time title passes to purchaser. If goods herein being purchased are being purchased for purposes of export, purchaser must obtain from the Federal Government certain export documentation before shipping to a foreign country. In addition, manufacturers’ warranties for exported goods may vary or even be null and void. If you have questions, please inquire. Any and all liability is only for the products purchased.

Terms & Policies: 

Information about us

Kentino.com is a site operated by company Kentino s.r.o. . We are registered in the Czech Republic in Prague with the company number CZ05066743 and with our registered office at Cestmirova 25, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic. We have established yourself in this industry 2012 and we were operating under different trading name and updated logo and name to Kentino s.r.o. at year 2016

Our Products & Descriptions

The images and descriptions of the Products on our Site are for illustrative purposes only and are designed to provide you with an approximate idea of the Products available. Although we have made every effort to display the true color and cosmetic condition of the products, we cannot guarantee that this will accurately reflect the color of the products. Accordingly, the products which are supplied to you may vary slightly from the images on the site, but we always try to publish official product pictures and real images.

As our business involves the sale of mostly used products, the detailed specifications of the products on our site reflect the specifications provided by the relevant manufacturer. Additional information and specifications of the products on our site may be available from the manufacturer direct. Please contact us should you have any queries or wish to obtain additional details of the products before you place your order.

The company warrants that the goods will, at the time of delivery, correspond to the description given by the company. It is the responsibility of the customer to check the compatibility and suitability of goods for any particular purpose before ordering. The company hereby reserves the right to make without notice such minor modifications in specifications, designs or materials as it may deem necessary or desirable by experience.

All Products displayed on our site are subject to availability. We will inform you by e-mail as soon as possible if a product you have ordered is not available and we will not process your order.

The company at its absolute discretion may accept or reject any order whether on account of the equipment being no longer available or for any other reason whatsoever.

How we use your personal information

We only use your personal information in accordance our Privacy Policy. Please take the time to read this document as it includes important terms which apply to you.

Right to Purchase Goods (Your status)

By placing an order through our site, you warrant that:

  • You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts;
  • You are at least 18 years old;

Our right to vary these terms

We may revise these Terms from time to time to reflect any changes in how we accept payment from you; changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; and/or changes in our systems’ capabilities.

Every time you order Products from us, the Terms in force at that time will apply to the Contract made between you and us.

Whenever we revise these Terms in accordance with this clause , we will give you notice of this by stating on our Site that these Terms have been amended and specifying at the top of this page the date on which the amended Terms come into force.

If you are a business customer

This clause only applies if you are a business.

If you are not a consumer, you confirm that you have authority to bind any business on whose behalf you use our Site to purchase Products.

These Terms and any document expressly referred to in them constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of us which is not set out in these Terms or any document expressly referred to in them.

How the contract is formed between you and us

Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. Please take the time to read and check your order at each page of the order pr

After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. Please note that this does not mean that your order has been accepted. Your order constitutes an offer to us to buy a Product. All orders are subject to acceptance by us, and we will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an e-mail that confirms that the Products have been dispatched (“Dispatch Confirmation”). The contract between us will only be formed once the dispatch confirmation has been sent.

The Contract will relate only to those Products we have confirmed in the Acceptance Confirmation. We will not be obliged to supply any other Products which may have been part of your order until the acceptance of such Products has been confirmed in a separate Acceptance Confirmation.

If we are unable to supply you with a product, for example because that product is not in stock, is no longer available; or because of an error in the price on our site as referred to in clause ‘Our Products and Descriptions’, we will inform you of this by e-mail and we will not process your order. If you have already paid for the Products, we will refund you the full amount as soon as possible.

These terms, and the contract between us, are always to be communicated in the English, Czech, Slovak or French language.

Consumer Rights

If you are contracting as a consumer, you may cancel a contract at any time within fourteen days, beginning on the day after you received the products. In this case, you will receive a full refund of the price paid for the products in accordance with our refunds policy (set out in clause ‘refund policy’ below).

To cancel a Contract, you must contact us in writing by sending an e-mail to  returns@kentino.com or by sending a letter to:  Kentino s.r.o., Cestmirova 25, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic.

As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to Products that are faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office. Nothing in these Terms will affect these legal rights.

Dispatch and Delivery

We shall determine the delivery method for your order based on the size of the Products comprising your order. For the vast majority of products, we shall use DPD /PPL/Czech post(or such other courier provider of a similar standard as we may from time to time require) to delivery your order. Smaller items may be sent via the Post Office and orders (over 30Kg volumetric weight) where pallets are required, may be delivered by TNT, FedEx  (or other such pallet distributors of a similar standard as we may from time to time require).

European Health & Safety regulations dictate the maximum weight for a single parcel is 30Kg. Therefore all individual items exceeding this weight (physically or volumetrically) must be, as part of an order or individually, shipped using a pallet freight service. If this option is not selected at checkout then we will contact you to request any relevant shipment surcharges.

We aim to dispatch your order in same day (if received before 12 noon) for next day delivery, however this may change due to demand. International orders are generally received in less than 8 working days to all points of Europe. See our EU Delivery timeframe sheet for further estimates.

Whilst every reasonable effort shall be made to keep to any delivery date, time of delivery shall not be of the essence and the seller shall not be liable for any losses, costs, damages or expenses incurred by the buyer or any other person or company arising directly or indirectly out of any failure to meet any estimated delivery date.

Delivery will be completed when we deliver the products to the address supplied to us during purchase/checkout and the products will be your responsibility from the completion of delivery.

Ownership of the Products shall transfer to you once we have received payment in full, including all applicable delivery charges.

There will be no delivery until clear funds have been received.

Any items returned to us via courier “refused”, “addressee gone away” or cancelled orders will be subject to full cost of the impaired delivery.

 Surcharge Postcodes:

 Due to the higher cost of delivering to remote, rural or offshore addresses, most carriers impose surcharges for these areas and we in turn have to pass on this cost to be fair to other customers. The following postcode areas are subject to surcharge in addition to our regular delivery rates:


 G83, GY9

 KA27-28, AB30-AB56, PH18-PH50, PA20-PA99, FK17-FK21, TR21-TR25

Import duty

If you order Products from our site for delivery outside the Czech Republic or outside of European Union, they may be subject to export/import duties and taxes which are levied when the delivery reaches the specified destination.  You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please note that we have no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order.

You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country for which the Products are destined.  We will not be liable for any breach by you of any such laws.



We respect all GDPR and all regulation is according to GDPR. These GDPR rules changes frequently and very complex to comply but we comply. If you have any queries please go to web page and check for GDPR https://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/.

Risk and Ownership

The Products will be at your risk from the time of delivery.

Ownership of the products will only pass to you when we receive full payment of all sums due in respect of the products, including delivery charges.

Refunds Policy – Your consumer right of return and refund

To cancel a Contract you must contact us in writing by completing an online RMA (return) form (not ready yeat), sending an e-mail to cancel@kentino.com or by sending a letter to: Kentino s.r.o. , Cestmirova 25, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic.

We can charge a re-stocking fee for used or refurbished items up to the value of 20% of the purchasing price. However both the original outbound shipping costs and return shipping costs will be covered by you (the customer).

All refunds will submitted using the same payment method by which the original payment was received.

The ‘Cooling Off Period’ clause only applies if you are a consumer:

Cooling Off Period

We want you to be satisfied when you shop with us. However, occasionally we know that you may want to return a product. As a consumer, you have a legal right to cancel a contract under the consumer protection (Distance Selling Regulations 2000) within seven working days, beginning on the day after you receive the products.

This means that during the relevant period if you change your mind or for any other reason you decide you do not want to keep a product, you can notify us of your decision to cancel the contract and receive a refund subject to the following conditions:

  • You must also return the Product(s) to us immediately, in the same condition in which you received them, and at your own cost and risk;
  • The original packaging material must be used in order to maintain the integrity and security of the product during return transit;
  • Unless the products are faulty or not as described, we will be responsible for the cost of returning the products to us or, where relevant, the cost of us collecting the Products from you. We will notify you on receipt of your cancellation notice of the charge (if any) to be incurred for collecting the Products from you;
  • You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the Products while they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, we may have a right of action against you for compensation;
  • The products do not compromise of consumable goods, except where a fault has been discovered that could not have been identified without unsealing the products.
  • The products do not compromise of computer software which has been unsealed

These terms and conditions do not affect consumers’ statutory rights as contained in current legislation governing the relationship between consumers and businesses.

Advice about your legal right to cancel the contract under these regulations is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.

Defective, Damaged, Not as Described and other returns

Should you deem a product to be defective, not as described or otherwise unsuitable then we reserve the right to repair, replace or refund the item. We will notify you of our itentions via e-mail within a reasonable period of time. We will usually process your repair, replacement or refund as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days of receiving the defective Product. If you elect a refund of a Product returned by you because of a defect it will be refunded as per our refunds policy, including a refund of the part of the delivery charge which related to that defective product for sending the item to you and the cost incurred by returning the defective product to us (subject to a maximum reimbursement equal to the original outbound shipping cost). If you are entitled to a repair or replacement of a defective product we will not charge you for redelivery of the repaired or replaced product.

We will endeavour to arrange collection for all defective, damaged and not as described items. Where this is not possible we will reimburse return shipping costs at our discretion up to a maximum reimbursement equal to the original outbound shipping cost of the goods.

Price and Payment

The price of any Products will be as quoted on our site from time to time, except in cases of obvious error.

The price of a product does not include delivery charges. Our delivery charges are as quoted on our site from time to time and are confirmed in the Dispatch Confirmation.

Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already sent you an Acceptance Confirmation.

While we try and ensure that all prices on our website are accurate, errors may occur. In the event that a product is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical error or error in pricing information from our suppliers, taxes or duty changes, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any orders listed at the incorrect price whether or not the order has been confirmed. If we discover an error in the price of goods you have ordered we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you we will treat the order as cancelled. If you cancel and you have already paid for the goods, you will receive a full refund back to the original form of payment.

Payment for all products must be by credit, debit card, PayPal or Bank Transfer. We accept card payment with Visa, Visa Electron, Visa Debit, MasterCard and Maestro (including Switch). We shall not dispatch any Products until we receive cleared funds. No payment shall be deemed to have been received until we have received cleared funds. Please be aware that if you are using PayPal as your payment method we reserve the right to not ship to unconfirmed addresses.

Your credit/debit card details will be encrypted by us to minimize the possibility of unauthorized access or disclosure. Authority for payment must be given at the time of order. If there is a problem taking payment for all or part of your order, we may contact you by telephone or e-mail.

Written communications

Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing. When using our site, you accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic.  We will contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our website. For contractual purposes, you agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.


All notices given by you to us must be given to: Mgr. Michal Beno / Kentino s.r.o. , Cestmirova 25, 14000 Prague, Czech Republic. We may give notice to you at either the e-mail or postal address you provide to us when placing an order, or in any of the ways specified in clause 13 above. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted on our website, 24 hours after an e-mail is sent, or three days after the date of posting of any letter. In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post and, in the case of an e-mail, that such e-mail was sent to the specified e-mail address of the addressee.

Events outside our control (Force Majeure)

We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (Force Majeure Event).

A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes in particular (without limitation) the following:

  • strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action;
  • civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war;
  • fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster;
  • impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport;
  • impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks;
  • the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government.

Our performance under any Contract is deemed to be suspended for the period that the Force Majeure Event continues, and we will have an extension of time for performance for the duration of that period. We will use our reasonable endeavours to bring the Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which our obligations under the Contract may be performed despite the Force Majeure Event.

TFT, LCD & Plasma Pixel Policy

A 15 inch LCD display running at a resolution of 1024 X 768 contains 768,432 pixels; each pixel is made up of 3 sub pixels giving a total of 2,359,296 pixels. A 19 inch LCD display running at a resolution of 1280 X 1024 contains 3,932,160 pixels, and a 24 inch LCD display running at 1920 X 1200 contains 6,912,000 pixels, having a few “dead” pixels is not considered a defect. It is rare for a LCD screen to ship with, or develop pixel irregularities. If or when a dead pixel occurs, it is not an indication that more will occur. It is usually a solitary incident. Therefore, bargain hardware feel it is important to make our customers aware that some screens may have slight irregularities in the form of dead pixels. Within the first 28 days from purchase unfortunately, bargain hardware will only be able to replace a screen that has three or more pixel defects spread across the screen, or two dead pixels that are connected to each other. We are sorry for any disappointment this may cause our customers, however, the manufacturers of TFT; LCD and LED screens dictate this policy with far less lenient policies than ours.

Medical equipment and supplies

All respirators and medical supplies should be delivered as stated, however there is possibility to change them without prior notice by other similar item following the same quality and same or higher selling value. The filtration classes should be followed. For example If you order FFP3 respirator you will receive FFP3 respirator. 


Our warranty for products

Where goods supplied are still under manufacturer’s warranty, then the buyer must exercise the warranty directly with the manufacturer/agent and not at our site or company or with Mgr. Michal Beno.

Where goods under manufacturer warranty cannot be repaired they will be replaced by the manufacturer and not by our company or by Mgr. Michal Beno.

Where an item is sold as refurbished or used, without original manufacturer warranty and unless expressly stated otherwise in a product’s description, we will provide a RTB (Return to Base) warranty that on delivery and for a period of 14 days from delivery, the products shall be free from material defects. This warranty is non-transferable and does not apply in the circumstances described here:

The warranty in the above clause does not apply to any defect in a product arising from:

  • Fair wear and tear;
  • Wilful damage, abnormal storage or working conditions, accident, negligence
    by you or by any third party;
  • Any alteration or repair by you or by a third party who is not one of our authorized repairers;
  • Any software installed by you or on your behalf; or any file corruption, internet usage or any virus or bug which infiltrates or damages the Product.

The warranty described above shall apply to hardware products only and no warranty is given in relation to batteries provided as part of your order. Batteries are consumable items and are expected to require replacement over time. We give no guarantee as to how long a battery will hold its charge or work away from the mains supply.

If you are a consumer, this warranty is in addition to your legal rights in relation to products that are faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.

We reserve the right to test any Product returned to us in accordance with these terms. If, on testing, it transpires that you have not complied with the provisions of these terms, specifically in relation any product returned to us is damaged through misuse, is missing parts or is in an unsellable condition due to your own acts or omissions, we will have no liability to repair or replace the products and shall be entitled to return the products to you in their existing condition.

Order adjustments

The quantities on stock may vary from reality due to several reasons. For example the quantity on stock is lowered after some time period of payment confirmation.

Sometimes when there is special case we have right to replace products in the order by similar one that is matching required properties. The replacement shall be done with way that you receive the same quality or the better or you receive item with overall same or higher selling value.

Law and jurisdiction

Contracts for the purchase of Products through our site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by Czech law. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with such Contracts or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Czech Republic.


Kentino s.r.o.

Cestmirova 25

14000 Prague

Czech Republic

Company ID: CZ05066743


Basic terms

For all prices and products, we reserve the right to make adjustments due to errors, changing market conditions, product discontinuation or typographical errors in advertisements. Allegro is not responsible for manufacturer price changes, which may occur at any time without notice. The product images on this web site may not exactly reflect the product you receive. Design revisions and color variations may exist.

Please keep all packing material and documentation in the event that your equipment has to be serviced or returned. Before returning any product, you must obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. NO returns, of any type, will be accepted without an RMA number. Please have the following information on hand when calling for an RMA number: customer name, invoice number, serial number and the nature of the problem

Rights & restrictions

  1. Members must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. Members are granted a time-limited, non-exclusive, revocable, nontransferable, and non-sublicensable right to access that portion of the online course corresponding to the purchase.
  3. The portion of the online course corresponding to the purchase will be available to the Member as long as the course is maintained by the Company, which will be a minimum of one year after Member’s purchase.
  4. All ASIC miners are delivered in terms of agreement for craft. These machines are manufactured and adjusted to specific needs of the customers. Also the price of these machines is dependant on financial market fluctuation and also therefore the right to return these miners within fourteen days or other period can not be applied. 
  5. The videos in the course are provided as a video stream and are not downloadable.
  6. By agreeing to grant such access, the Company does not obligate itself to maintain the course, or to maintain it in its present form.